Terraria Wiki Summoner (2025)

1. Summon weapons - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

  • List of summon weapons · Category:Summon weapons · Deadly Sphere · Whips

  • Summon weapons are a type of weapon that spawns secondary characters that will aid the player during battle by automatically attacking enemies within range. They deal summon damage and cannot be hurt or killed. The characters spawned by most summon weapons fall into one of two categories: minions and sentries. Minions are mobile characters that follow the player, while sentries remain stationary. Additionally, the set bonuses of the Stardust armor, Chlorophyte armor, and Forbidden armor will sum

Summon weapons - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

2. List of summon weapons - Official Terraria Wiki

  • This page contains a sortable list of all available summon weapons in Terraria. All data displayed is of the base values from the source code.

  • This page contains a sortable list of all available summon weapons in Terraria. All data displayed is of the base values from the source code (no modifiers, accessories, or buffs in effect). The total number of unique summon weapons in Terraria is 47.

3. Guide:Class setups - Official Terraria Wiki

  • Summoning Potion · Berserker's Glove · Celestial Cuffs · Jungle armor

  • Terraria has no formal player class or leveling system. However, weapons can be grouped into four distinct categories based on their damage type – melee, ranged, magic, and summoner. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses and has a wide variety of weapons to choose from.

4. Guide:Class setups - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

Guide:Class setups - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

5. 1.4.4 Summoner Minion, Whip & Armor In-Depth Tier List

  • May 24, 2021 · This elaborated, detailed tier list uses everything I've learned to evaluate the balance and state of Summoner, as well as guiding players on what their best ...

  • Summon weapons are by far the most difficult to understand & complex aspect of Terraria combat. But I myself have been obsessed with Summoner weapons for years, doing countless playthroughs focusing on Summoner builds (whether focusing on Whips or on Hybrid), as well as grinding speedkills to...

1.4.4 Summoner Minion, Whip & Armor In-Depth Tier List

6. List of summon weapons - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

  • This page contains a sortable list of all available summon weapons in Terraria. All data displayed is of the base values from the source code.

  • This page contains a sortable list of all available summon weapons in Terraria. All data displayed is of the base values from the source code (no modifiers, accessories, or buffs in effect). The total number of unique summon weapons in Terraria is 47.

List of summon weapons - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

7. Summoner Emblem - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

  • The Summoner Emblem is a Hardmode accessory that increases summon damage by 15%. It has a 12.5*1/8 (12.5%) / 25*1/4 (25%) chance to drop from the Wall of Flesh.

  • The Summoner Emblem is a Hardmode accessory that increases summon damage by 15%. It has a 12.5*1/8 (12.5%) / 25*1/4 (25%) chance to drop from the Wall of Flesh. Despite the tooltip implying that the accessory boosts the damage of minions only, it also affects sentries and whips. In the  Old Chinese version and  tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, it is recommended to switch this emblem in while summoning minions, before replacing it with a different accessory for the rest of the time, as minion damag

Summoner Emblem - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

8. Minion Summon Items - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

  • Minion Summon Items are summon weapons that spawn secondary characters that will aid the player during battle by automatically attacking enemies within range.

  • Minion Summon Items are summon weapons that spawn secondary characters that will aid the player during battle by automatically attacking enemies within range. They cannot be hurt or killed, and deal summon damage. Minions are mobile characters that follow the player. Whips are related weapons that deal summon damage without summoning any minions. Hitting an enemy with a whip causes a player's minions to target it immediately. Some whips have bonus effects which can be activated by minions. The b

Minion Summon Items - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

9. Terraprisma - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

  • The Terraprisma is a Hardmode, post-Plantera summon weapon. It spawns a copy of itself that rapidly attacks nearby enemies.

  • The Terraprisma is a Hardmode, post-Plantera summon weapon. It spawns a copy of itself that rapidly attacks nearby enemies. It is a guaranteed drop from the Empress of Light when all damage dealt to the Empress occurs during the day. It is thought to be one of the hardest summon weapons to acquire in the game, as the Empress of Light will one shot the player with any attack during the day, but is also one of the best summons in the game due its unique and powerful attacks. Its best modifier is R

Terraprisma - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

10. tModLoader - Summoners' Association

  • Aug 8, 2015 · Call and adding support for your mod can be found on the Summoners' Association wiki. ... http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads ...

  • Summoners' Association Latest Download: Mod Browser (in-game) - Workshop (1.4) - Direct link (1.3) - Alt download link (1.3) Open to collaboration on GitHub Discord: This mod aims to fix a few grievances with summons and flesh out Summoner to be a fully developed class. This vision of...

tModLoader - Summoners' Association

11. Sanguine Staff - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

  • Even so, it is still an effective weapon at that point due to the benefits mentioned above, and summoner armor will substantially improve its damage. Due to ...

  • The Sanguine Staff is a Hardmode summon weapon that has a 50*1/2 (50%) / 100*1/1 (100%)chance of being dropped by the Dreadnautilus during a Blood Moon. It summons a Sanguine Bat minion that remains by the player's side until an enemy is in sight, and attacks by flying in an elliptical loop between the player and enemy. They immediately return to the player's side once their target dies. Its best modifier is Ruthless. The Mythical modifier provides the widest array of stat bonuses, but these pri

Sanguine Staff - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

12. Guide:Class progression - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

  • Summoners focus on increasing the number and strength of summonable minions. Whips are primary weapons that will focus summons and increase their damage. While ...

  • Terraria has no formal player class or leveling system. However, weapons can be grouped into four distinct categories based on their damage type – melee, ranged, magic, and summoning. In general, it is recommended to focus on one class, as many armors, accessories, and buffs only benefit a...

Guide:Class progression - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

13. Sentry Summon Items - Terraria Wiki - Fandom

  • Sentry Summon Items are summon weapons that spawn secondary characters that will aid the player during battle by automatically attacking enemies within ...

  • Sentry Summon Items are summon weapons that spawn secondary characters that will aid the player during battle by automatically attacking enemies within range. They cannot be hurt or killed, and deal summon damage. Unlike minions, sentries do not follow the player, but remain stationary. Whips are related weapons that deal summon damage without summoning any minions. Hitting an enemy with a whip causes a player's sentries to target it immediately. The best modifier for sentry summon items is Ruth

Sentry Summon Items - Terraria Wiki - Fandom
Terraria Wiki Summoner (2025)


Is summoner the weakest class Terraria? ›

Summoner, in my opinion, is the worst class. He has the lowest defense and has good damage against enemies, but his defense is so low he dies extremely easily. He can't do much against bosses of any kind if he doesn't have endgame gear.

How to get 11 minions in Terraria? ›

The max number of minions that can be summoned can be increased with certain armors and accessories. The max number of minions a player can summon at one time is 11, using Stardust Armor, Necromantic Scroll, Pygmy Necklace, Papyrus Scarab, Summoning Potion and Bewitching Table.

What is the strongest summon in Terraria? ›

Because the Terraprisma does not move through blocks, while arguably the best/highest damage summon weapon available, some players might opt for minions that ignore blocks altogether, such as Xeno Staff's UFO's.

What is the most op class in Terraria? ›

Ranger. This class is easily the strongest class, because of the reliably high DPS (that becomes extremely high with certain weapons) and huge range. Rangers also have enough defense to survive a few more hits than a summoner or mage, but its not as defensively strong as melee.

What is the hardest class to use in Terraria? ›

If you stick to 100% class run, the summoner is by far the hardest to start off. Most runs like this have to deal damage in the beginning with explosives, or tools. 2.) One of the hardest as well, Mana control is key here.

How rare is the zenith in Terraria? ›

Critical chance14%
Use time30 (Average)
Velocity32 (effective)
4 more rows

What are the rarest summons in Terraria? ›

There are 2 very rare items in Terraria:
  • The slime staff. A 1 in 10000 drop from any slimes. Is probably the weakest minion you can summon. ...
  • The dryad banner. The dryad is a extremely rare enemy that spawns in the cavern layer.
Feb 16, 2023

Do sentries count as minions in Terraria? ›

Sentries are stationary characters. Unlike minions, sentries do not follow the player, and will instead remain rooted in place.

Can you get Terraprisma at night? ›

Terraprisma is a powerful summon weapon that is dropped from the Empress of Light only when all damage dealt to the Empress occurs during the day.

What is the hardest role in Terraria? ›

The Moon Lord is the toughest boss in Terraria, and facing him is no walk in the park. Gamers need all the skills and tactics learned from battling other bosses to even stand a chance against him.

What is the easiest class in Terraria? ›

Melee is the easiest since you have more armor and don't have to care as much about dodging. Ranged is probably the best, but you need some movability and ammo management. Magic tends to be almost the best but relies a bit too much on late game items to be great.

What is the weakest enemy in Terraria? ›

Trivia. The Blood Feeder is one of the weakest enemies in Hardmode.

Is summoner hard in Terraria? ›

The Summoner in Terraria isn't for everyone because of the class's low defenses and active playstyle. But with proper planning, Summoners can dish out explosive damage with their Minions and turn the tides of battle in an instant.

How strong is a summoner? ›

A summoner is perhaps only as strong as their summons. However, a summoner's ability to control and sustain their bonds might be the best indication of their power.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.